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Stop: Before you write another workout, make sure you check this out…
Get The Exact Exercises, Training Programs, and Strategies the Best Athletes Secretly Use To Get Stronger, Faster, and More Explosive. The Revolutionary New Training System That Will Completely Change Your Workouts Forever!
…Create Faster Results, Explode Your Business, and Transform the Lives of Every Single Athlete That Walks Into Your Gym!!
Let me cut right to the chase…
Athletes are always looking for that edge – that one little thing that will take their game to another level. If you’re an athlete who is looking to dominate your competition or a coach who makes athletes bigger, faster, and stronger – it is critical that you read every single word on this page.
The TRUTH is….the Real Reason great coaches don’t share their “secrets” on how they get athletes better is that they had to learn what works the hard way – and they don’t want you getting off easy.
But you don’t have to be a guru to use these game-changing simple techniques.
The New Level of Training That Saves Time
And Years of Frustration
Most coaches only know the basics of getting athletes stronger, and to be honest, that is crazy important. However, the pioneers of athletic performance – like Verkhoshansky, Kurz, Bondarchuk, and Siff – found another level of training that took their world-class athletes to the very edge of athletic potential – and they called it Special Strength!
Unfortunately, even the most seasoned coaches out there found out that using special strength exercises in their programs could be confusing and super frustrating. And, if you get it wrong, you’ll risk having a team full of “weight room warriors” who can’t display their strength on the athletic field!
It’s time to change that right now!
Simple System, Faster RESULTS
This is the most important system we’ve ever put together because the “special” exercises we created are specifically designed to improve your athlete’s potential at their sport by building the strength, power, and speed they need in the athletic movements that matter.
It all boils down to what Verkhoshansky called his Principle of Dynamic Correspondence – the true definition of what special strength exercises really are – the critical transition from the weight room to improving your athlete’s potential performance for every team sport!
If you want true functional training – THIS IS IT!
We created our simple yet effective 7-Step Special Strength formula so that even the youngest most inexperienced coaches can write life-altering programs for any lifter and any athlete at every level like an experienced pro! And this isn’t just another ‘strength book’, this is your step-by-step guide to making you the trainer you’ve always wanted to be.
No more confusion – just a simple easy-to-understand and even easier-to-apply system to redefine the ‘art of coaching’ – and gain the competitive edge for any sport!
If you’ve been spending hours surfing the Internet and looking for the missing magic bullet for your program, the one key ingredient to finally take it to the next level and help you get more athletes through your door, you’ve come to the right place!
Enter the NEW Special Strength system!
Before I Tell You About This Essential Training System I Want To Share What Some Other Fitness Industry Leaders and Professional Athletes Have To Say…

“Joe and Smitty’s programming and efforts are seen in the success of athletes from low-level qualifications to the highest level of sports mastery. “Challenge yourself to be better every day” is what we ask our athletes to do – and it’s exactly what we as physical preparation coaches should also do on a daily basis. We often hear of how strong an athlete is, but he fails to display that physical quality in the sporting environment or playing field, and then we wonder why. This Special Strength manual and accompanying DVD will answer that question and help your athletes yield impressive results in the competitive environment. I strongly recommend it to everyone who is truly interested in helping their athletes achieve the upper most limits of their abilities.
Thank you Joe and Smitty for helping me enhance my athlete’s abilities and performance levels with your willingness to share. ”
Buddy Morris
Head Coach of Physical Preparation
Arizona Cardinals
Here’s The Difference That Makes The Special Strength Program So Much More Effective Than Anything Else You’ve Ever Used:
- The shocking way to make every workout super intense, super effective, and get your athletes jumping out of the gym! (Hint: This new trick works for any athlete at any level!)
- Boost your athlete’s results, get them faster, more explosive, and stronger than they’ve ever been when you learn exactly how to use the number one tool that defines athletic performance.
- Get the perfect 6-Step programming template proven to completely change every single workout you write forever! (You do NOT want to write another program without the Special Strength Movement Competency Continuum).
- Get the critical Athletic Assessment checklist that will literally revolutionize your program and turn your gym into the life-changing facility you’ve always dreamed of.
- The little-known trick that will keep your athlete’s healthy, strong, and happy – coming back year after year and playing their position to their absolute best abilities (If you don’t use this in your programming, your workouts aren’t complete – DO NOT MISS THIS!)
- Dynamic mobility drills VS FLOW… one of them will ACCELERATE your athlete’s potential immediately – MAKE SURE YOU USE THE RIGHT ONE AT THE RIGHT TIME.
- Do this ONE THING in your warm-ups – and see INSTANT technique improvement and build STRENGTH faster! (It’s so easy you’ll be shocked you missed it before.)
- Unlock the hidden strength and power inside of each of your athletes and become a 10X better coach immediately when we show you exactly how to build your special strength, fundamental movement, and supplemental exercise database!
- Get 3 shockingly simple techniques for turning your athletes into powerhouses with special strength exercises and help them dominate their competition. (Your athletes will have more explosive power and more crushing speed, but also they will be the best conditioned!)
- Get the proven, time-tested, and extremely effective TOP 10 special strength exercises for every single skill category!
- Discover all of the secrets of this step-by-step guide and end all of your confusion about creating bulletproof athletes who turn into champions. (Don’t forget, getting your athletes to THEIR goals will allow YOU to live the life of your dreams!)

The Proven Special Strength System contains:
- #1) Strength and Performance Pyramid
- #2) Athletic Assessment Model
- #3) Long-Term Athletic Training Lifecycle
- #4) Intensity Training Variables Template
- #5) Durability and Capacity Continuum
- #6) Critical Fundamental Positions
- #7) Baseline / Regression / Progression Database
- #8) Strength and Performance Continuum
- #9) The CPPS Warm-up Protocol
- #10) And, much more!!!

ALL The Most POWERFUL Tools, Strategies, And Techniques
That Are Proven To Work
In the new Special Strength system, you get the complete training system to give your athletes the competitive edge on the competition, regardless if they are the young kid trying to make varsity or the veteran pro athlete who’s been in the league for years and looking to earn one more big contract.
It all comes down to progression and knowing exactly what exercises each athlete needs RIGHT NOW. When your athletes are ready, will you know the right exercises to get them to their goals?
Go beyond the basic bench press, squat, and deadlift to a whole new level of training with the tools and techniques you need to completely dominate your market, take your business to a whole new level, and have other coaches in your area wondering how you did it!

What You’ll Get With The New Special Strength System
After you watch the Special Strength DVD and go through the comprehensive manual, you’ll have all the knowledge, expert insight, and proven strategies you need to take your training programs and your athlete’s potential to levels you never imagined possible!

The Special Strength Manual
This is the centerpiece of the entire Special Strength system. Covering all aspects of strength training, progression, and athletic development, this key resource will bring everything together and give you the guidance you need for building superior training programs and helping your athletes achieve greatness. The Special Strength manual will be used hand-in- hand with the DVD to give you the full system for progressing each athlete from the basics of position, control, and technique to increasing your athlete’s potential strength, power, and speed expressions for their position in any sporting event.

The Special Strength DVD
The Special Strength DVD contains a massive arsenal of over 140+ of the best-of-the-best special strength exercises for every sport skill defined in our system. This is your personal video library of how to exactly perform each special strength exercise so you can optimize each athlete’s technique with each and every lift. The DVD will be an invaluable tool for getting the right technique, speed of movement, and intent for how each exercise should be performed. Also, included in the DVD, is the live Pro Maker 2.0 workout giving a glimpse of a LIVE training session with pro NFL athletes – that contain actual special strength exercises!

Advanced Special Strength Protocols eBook
by Cameron Josse
$47 FREE
The Advanced Special Strength Protocols bonus ebook is a must-have and the perfect complement to the Special Strength manual. Expanding on concept of specialized foundational training, Cameron Josse details how >skill acquisition and movement control is critical for establishing more complex neurological and physiological adaptations and how movement is coordinated according to the Dynamic Systems Theory. Cameron reveals his never-before- seen proven Weekly Speed & Power Training Templates showing you exactly how to program power and speed training into your weekly training protocol for maximum benefit without overtraining! Finally, discover the how-and- why tempo training is critical for developing power and rehearsing speed mechanics with the exact tempo running routines Cameron uses with his NFL pro athletes!

Top 10 Strength Training Mistakes
In this 100% uncensored video, Joe DeFranco gives his Top 10 Strength Training Secrets for dominating every single workout and getting RESULTS FASTER! You’ll learn a critical but rarely used part of the workout that EVERYONE MUST do to make every single rep and every single set SUPER EFFECTIVE! Joe gives the absolute most powerful method for building more muscle and getting stronger with his closely-guarded secrets that the BEST coaches and trainers know and use in every one of their workouts. Find out which movements you HAVE to do to get constant, long-term gains and a shatter your records in the gym by helping you to start adding more weight to the bar RIGHT NOW. Finally, if you need to dial in your bench press, squat, or deadlift form, get the regressions and progressions that will be the key to finally jumpstarting your progress in the gym and dialing in YOUR perfect technique.

Top 10 Speed Training Mistakes
Discover The TRUTH About How to Create Blazing SPEED for your athletes. In this video presentation, Joe shares the truth about how to develop SPEED for TEAM SPORTS. Get the common mistakes that are often missed in most programs OR used too much. Find out if overspeed training is over-rated or a super powerful SPEED BUILDER? Learn the critical difference between speed and conditioning. The truth about how strength training affects speed and power and why you don’t want to build “All Show, No Go” athletes who can’t perform on the athletic field! Finally, the most forgotten aspect of speed is revealed. (Hint: everyone needs it, yet no one trains it!)
“After graduating college and entering the ‘corporate world’, I can no longer spend all day in the gym. Unfortunately, I compensated for my lack of time by skipping my warm-ups. This was the worst possible thing I could have done because I was constantly injured, which prevented me from making any gains. Then I was introduced to AMPED. The thing I love about the AMPED warm-ups is that they are unique and extremely practical; the exercises flow together perfectly and don’t take all day to complete. Since incorporating AMPED into my workouts, I’ve been injury-free, setting PR’s in the gym every week, and I’m in the best shape of my life!”
“People often overlook the warm up. AMPED is about more than just preventing injury or increasing mobility. AMPED is about increasing results. GET AMPED and watch your lifts go up, and your performance improve.”
“You have done a fabulous job with what you have created in AMPED. It is simple, effective and very user friendly. The variety of warm up ideas that you offer will keep the novelty in an essential part of any good workout. Joe, the Badass program changed the intensity in our weight room at school like nothing I have seen and now AMPED has more students warming up properly than ever before. This was the one area that I have struggled with for years – to get across to the students the importance of a good warm up. AMPED has done that!!! Thanks so much!! One of the teachers overhead a student say that they felt AWESOME after their warm up. I have felt the same myself! My workouts have been better and I feel much better the day after the workout as well. I would suggest that any Phys Ed teacher or coach of any sport pick up a copy of this for their classes and their athletes. You will have endless effective ideas that you use immediately!! Thanks again guys!! I look forward to the next product that you guys produce!!”
“We have been using the AMPED techniques at school with our high school students in Power Fit classes and the results have been excellent. The best part I would say is that they actually enjoy the warm up! I’ve even had kids tell me they felt great after using the warm up and they they felt less sore after their workout.”
“For the longest time I neglected my warmup as many others do. When I received my copy of AMPED warm-up I was blown away by all the options. Whether someone wants to warmup to play a sport or perform an upper, lower, or full body workout, AMPED has it all and much, much more. Once I started using AMPED, my workouts became much more productive and my warmup is something I actually look forward to performing. AMPED is something every athlete or person stepping into a gym should consider as a necessity. Get this great tool to feel great before, during, and after your workouts.”

100% Satisfaction guarantee
The Special Strength System is tested & proven to help get your athletes stronger, faster, and more explosive. If you utilize the system to build better workouts and consistently incorporate the special strength exercises into your training sessions, your athletes will get stronger and build muscle faster than ever before. If you honestly test out the system and it doesn’t work for you, then email our customer support team and we’ll refund your investment. We stand behind this product 100% and there is absolutely no risk. We guarantee this product’s effectiveness and are committed to your success.

Learn The Amazing Secrets of the Pioneers of Athletic Performance And Get The Life-Changing Strategies You’ve Always Wanted, Eliminate Years of Struggle and Confusion, And Get More Athletes Smashing Down Your Doors!
If you’re trying to bridge the gap from the weight room to the playing field, it’s time to gain the competitive edge and introduce a new level of training for your athletes with exercises specifically designed to sprint faster, jump higher, throw farther, and rip an opponent to the ground.
Let us cut right to the chase, we know Special Strength is going to revolutionize your training program and we can’t wait to hear from you how it is changing the lives of your athletes and getting them to their goals faster.
The old saying is true, if you continue using the same old workouts, you’re going to continue getting the same old results. It’s time to change the training game and change how athletes prepare for their game.
Grab your copy today and gain access to the best competition-crushing exercises ever created and start being known as THE athlete training facility in your area!

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